
Newsletter – March – April 2025

Greetings everyone.   I think it’s safe to say that we’re all pretty glad we’re on this side of February and closer to spring.   Here are some noteworthy items to look further into as you review the newsletter. 

Join us on March 11 at 7 p.m. for the Ostomy Saskatchewan Zoom meeting. It’s going to be a good one. Carla from Convatec will join us to discuss the Convatec +me care program, and nurse Christie will discuss skincare. This is a good opportunity to meet others and ask questions.  

SAVE THE DATE  – on May 3rd we’re hosting ‘Spring into Education’, a fabulous half-day session at the hall on Arthur and 8th in Regina,  We set the time from 11:00 – 3:00 pm to allow for travel time.  Information on page 3. 

We set up meetings and learning sessions and created a newsletter to support people who are living with an ostomy.  For these activities to be successful we need you to join in and be part of the experience. We also need your financial support through your renewing, or starting, a membership.  If you haven’t and you’re part of the Ostomy Saskatchewan group, please see the last page of the newsletter for information on how to do that.  

There are many benefits to being part of Ostomy Saskatchewan.  For us to continue and be a support to others, as well as ourselves, we need you to be part of the group.  You may not feel that you need the group any longer, but think back to those early days and when you first connected with someone else who was living with an ostomy.   What a relief it was.  

Best wishes and enjoy. 
Ostomy Saskatchewan

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